Monday, November 30, 2009

Slideshow - Brunei Day 2


shawn pang said...

this is nice and not blurr!

vanessa-bloom said...

that was really rery fun except for the last day it was disastrous

Dominc Lau said...

I agree with Shawn Pang that the pictures r nice.I wish I can go there.

shawn pang said...

i wish i can go japan and korea!i am sooo bored!man,i wish i can also play snowballs in canada too!!! ^_^ haha!

RetardedSchool . said...

Well, all the days were pleasent and really thrilling. :) I loved the ginormous mosque. However something like what we watch in a drama happened.. (Like what Vanessa said) But never mind, i only can say that let bygones be bygones....
oh and persist on keeping contact we each other next year.. Miss You 4A and my dear teachers, I hope 4A & 3A will always be eternal. :)