Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Learning Journey to Chinatown

Here are the photos taken at the Learning Journey to Chinatown on 12 Nov 09.

Enjoy viewing!

Don't forget to give your comments on what you have learnt.


shawn blog said...

NICE photos you have taken mrs tan and did you know that it was super cool to get to china town with a super hot bus ride!we saw sports cars!i hope we can go to all the places in the reflections booklet last page! thos rocks!

shawn blog said...

the china town is also a cool and like ancient place when you look it like 1992_or ___ !

the comment up there is from me too!

from :shawn pang

ehikate(: said...

I had fun in the trip especially when we went to the museum. It was great fun in there!Hope there are other learning journeys like that next year!
Kate :)

RetardedSchool . said...

Really nice and clear reflection of this trip. i am going to miss you all next year, hope we don't part anyway i HATE going to P5 AND P6....
Anyway good luck all next year, don't forget 4a and 3a!!!!

shawn pang said...

yedi yada yada!i hope i can go MT kinabalu next year , anyway i am super fit! so i think i will go!hahahaha! and i hope the school can go japan and korea then i will surely be going!