Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Dear boys and girls,

SA2 starts tomorrow. Know that many of you have been diligently preparing for this important exam. I would like to give you my encouragement and support. Do not hesitate to approach me if you need help. If you want to stay back after school to revise, let me know and I can make the arrangement for you.
Remember to rest enough and take care of your health.
Wishing you all the best!

Mrs Tan


Zhi Yi said...


RetardedSchool . said...

Exams are finally over, its party time!!! HURRAY, after all those stressing times its time for vacations!!! Enjoy your happy holidays too!
-Leona Wu

Katrina said...

Thank you so much Mrs Tan for your untiring support!You take care too.

seejunloong rocks said...

wow!now Mrs Ong can let us play her games she bought!Hurray!

智義 said...

Why is there no new posts???????????

Mrs Tan, Can you let us play math games???????

And Mrs Tan, Where are the cards I lent you last time? Have you returned them????

shawn pang said...

funfunfun all the way is fun and games all december!