Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Paper Crane Folding

Our school is taking part in the project:
Rice that Binds, Cranes @ North West
Fold 10 cranes and the sponsor will donate 1kg of rice to the needy residents.
So let's do our part for charity by folding as many cranes as possible.

Click on the following link to follow the 3D animation:

Or follow the steps as shown in the video below.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Highlights of Semester 1!

Animation Competition Award

Most Diligent Pupil Award - Leona Wu

Most Persevering Pupil Award - Lai Qunmei

Cleanest Classroom Award

Upper Primary Sports Day - Champion P4 Class

How are you 4A?

Dear Boys and Girls of 4A,

How is everyone?
Three weeks have past and I hope that you are spending meaningful time with your family.
Amidst the fun and enjoyment, don't forget to complete your holiday assignments.
As for Maths homework, I noticed that many of you did not do Section B. Please go back to the assignment and complete that section. All you need to do is look for the excel worksheet named Section B at the bottom of the page and click on it. For those who have not started, it is time to do so.
Some of your classmates have found some interesting websites for Maths games. If you have time, do go in and try them. The links are on the right.
Do remember to take good care of your own health.

See you soon.

Mrs Tan

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Hello June babies!

Have a great year ahead Sherman, Kate and Mavis!

Happy Happy Birthday!